Families Outside

There are more than 7,500 people in prison each night in Scotland. For the majority of society they are Out of Sight and Out of Mind.

But not everyone sees it that way.

For the families left behind, the person may be out of sight – in fact, often physically unreachable for some – but definitely not out of mind. The parents, partners, siblings and, perhaps most importantly, the 27,000 children in Scotland who have a parent in prison, are all left with the memory, the worry, the stigma, and the aftermath of someone else’s crime.

At Families Outside, the only national charity in Scotland that works solely to support families affected by imprisonment, we speak to thousands of these families each year to support them with the effect that imprisonment has on them.

Approximately a third of all calls to our helpline are related to concerns for a person in prison. Questions about their mental health and their wellbeing demonstrate that for families, a person in prison is not Out of Mind at all.

Added to this we are privileged to employ the Head of Service for Prison Visitors Centres in Scotland who supports the sustainability and delivery of Scotland’s 12 visitors’ centres - services that work tirelessly to improve the overall experience of people visiting prison. They also allow families to access support and impartial advice, providing direct support at a time of direct need.

This year alone, Visitors’ Centres estimate that almost 170,000 adults and 35,000 children will make visits to see their family member in prison. Not all people in prison receive visits – only about half - but those who do are by no means Out of Sight from their friends and family.

So who is Out of Sight and Out of Mind?

Due to the stigma associated with imprisonment and a lack of awareness and trust of certain agencies, families often remain hidden. This is despite the impact of someone’s imprisonment including loss of income, risk to housing, victimisation, care placements, children’s disengagement from school, struggles with travel and transport to prison visits, and  the consequent stress of this leading to mental and physical ill health. The stigma keeps these struggles as a family secret – definitely Out of Sight of wider public awareness and support.

According to Nancy Loucks, Chief Executive at Families Outside, “Families are often described as ‘hidden victims’; they need support but are often too fearful or ashamed to seek it.”

At Families Outside, we are a completely independent charity providing a confidential and non-judgemental support and information service through our Helpline and Regional Family Support Coordinators. We're here to help.

If you have a family member in prison please remember that you might sometimes feel Out of Sight, but you are not Out of Mind. If you know of someone with a family member in prison please pass on our free helpline number 0800 254 0088. Together we can ensure that no-one is left Out of Sight and Out of Mind.

This blog was originally written by Families Outside for Prisoners Week 2019 
